Full Moon Fever

Tonight is the Full Moon. Lycanthropes the world over rejoice. And so don’t I. The night fascinates me, and I find the moon hypnotic-particularly when she – and there’s no denying the moon is a she – is at the full. I could watch for hours. She rises, pale and almost transparent, at sunset in a sky both resplendent and faded in shades of pink, lavender, jade green, and robins-egg blue. As the sky darkens to a deeper blue the Goddess that rules the night becomes more luminous and solid-casting her powerful glow across half the sky at the crest of her journey through the deep heavens. I love the particular shade of midnight blue the sky turns as you look closer to Luna.
She whispers of dreams and magic, secrets and possibilities – and yearning. For things unspoken and unthought in the harsh light of day. But the moon is forgiving. Anything can happen in the moonlight. You can run, unbound and unfettered. It must be the Celt in me, but the Fey world seems close. The everyday pulls away and you can feel the night breathe -if you pay attention. The feeling is curiously freeing. “And all the nights magic seems to whisper and hush..”. ~’Moondance’, Van Morrison

To finish, here’s an excerpt from my favorite moon related poem/song, and I’m gonna go howl now ;):
“Cold hearted orb that rules the night. Robs the colors from our sight. Red is grey and yellow, white. But we decide which is right-and which is an illusion” ~ ‘Nights in White Satin‘, The Moody Blues

Images via Photobucket, Center (Blue) Photo by Loric at loric_friedli@hotmail.com